For general strings scmd auto-increases numStrings, so a new standard will be needed.
Did a bit of documentation on how sc and scmd handle extended strings for this purpose.
string usage/existing extended string handling
string per location (2-bytes)
SC: Ignored
SCMD: main display, main tree, classic trigs, text trigs -- replaced with new string upon load
trigger actions: text (4-bytes)
SC: NUL string used
SCMD: classic trigs, text trigs -- crashes on load if > 0x7FFFFFFF, otherwise treats as invalid
trigger actions: text (4-bytes)
SC: NUL string used
SCMD: classic briefing, text briefing -- crashes on load if > 0x7FFFFFFF, otherwise treats as invalid
scenario name (2-bytes)
SC: Uses file name insted
SCMD: map properties -- often crashes on load
scenario description (2-bytes)
SC: NUL string used
SCMD: map properties -- often crashes on load
string for force names (2-bytes)
SC: NUL string used
SCMD: forces, text trigs, text briefing -- treats as invalid
string per .wav (4-bytes)
SC: Ignored if unused
SCMD: sound editor, classic trigs, classic briefing, text trigs, text briefing -- crashes on load if > 0x7FFFFFFF, otherwise treats as invalid
string for unit names (2-bytes)
SC: Ignored if unused
SCMD: main tree, status bar, unit properties, unit settings, classic trigs, classic briefing -- always uses UNIx if avaliable?
string for switches (4-bytes)
SC: Ignored if unused
SCMD: switch manager, classic trigs, text trigs -- uses default switch string for display, cannot select switch from most lists
string for unit names (2-bytes)
SC: Ignored if unused
SCMD: main tree, status bar, unit properties, unit settings, classic trigs, classic briefing) -- uses default unit string
SC summary: has absolutely no problems with extended strings
SCMD summary: extended strings should not be used in SPRP, and should never be greater than 0x7FFFFFFF, if switches must be editable in SCMD, then don't use them in SWNM, if your map will be frequently opened with SCMD, then don't use them in MRGN
So in v2 (will be written up soon), extended strings will count down from 65535 and emphasis will be put on treating string numbers as unsigned
I'm assuming no one used v1 just yet so i'ma scratch it off so no one implements it, if you did use it, it shouldn't be too hard to change your code to work in v2
SCMD does not delete extra sections, so it will be kept as an extra section for now.
Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Sep 22 2013, 4:15 pm by jjf28.
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